The Lord has given me two reasons why Donald Trump will win.
Reason One: The Lord says, Donald Trump will win because people have put their faith in man, and not God.
For generations, we have sought to solve our problems in America through politics and democracy. Democracy by definition means the rule of the people.
God is a King and He has a Kingdom. What we have to remember is the Kingdoms of this world have not yet come under the Lord's domain.
"Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, 'The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!'”
Revelation 11:15
There is a coming Kingdom. The Lord simultaneously rules His Kingdom while He is also bringing His Kingdom.
America is not yet the Kingdom of God.
We have tried and failed to bridge democracy with God’s rule, And so the result has been a delusion that everything that happens in Congress or the White House is God’s move and God’s will. We must not forget, God has a will and so does man. This is why we pray “Your Kingdom come, your Will be done.”
There are various wills in the earth and they compete with God’s will. God ultimately is sovereign, but He has delegated authority to us. And we have imperfectly ruled the earth.
Donald Trump is just another example of an imperfect leader that we have seen people trust as if he is God. What we can’t forget is the seeds are being sown for the intimate reign of the Antichrist. He will reign over the earth because people will delegate authority to him even above God. It’s the same principle we have in the earth now, but the Antichrist's reign will just rise to a greater degree of authority. Here’s why:
The same fear that is driving people to vote for Donald Trump, is the same fear that is driving others to vote for Joe Biden, and fear is what will bring the Antichrist to power. The more we think we have to lose by virtue of how we vote, the more we will give ourselves to leaders who don’t deserve our vote.
We are seeking leaders to do what only God can do. And the Lord is going to prove to us that He is the One true God, not any man we can vote for.
The leaders we seek only represent the values that we hold. So our leaders actually are a mirror of ourselves.
Reason 2: The Lord says, Donald Trump will win because the Lord is giving us over to our carnal desires.
Trump acts and speaks like we act and speak when no one is around. Similarly, Saul was a voice for the people. He represented the will of the people, not the will of God. But the people only asked for Saul after they became accustomed to man’s appointed leaders, instead of God.
Now it came to pass when Samuel was old that he made his sons judges over Israel. The name of his firstborn was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijah; they were judges in Beersheba. But his sons did not walk in his ways; they turned aside after dishonest gain, took bribes, and perverted justice. Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah, and said to him, “Look, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.”
1 Samuel 8:1-5
Samuel made his sons judges, not the Lord. So, the people became accustomed to corruption, and in their dissatisfaction, they asked for another version of the corrupt system they had gotten used to.
This is explains our love and hate relationship with politics. We love to talk about it and get upset. We love to complain about it. We also love to spend our money on it and push for our favorite candidates. We are actors in a tragic drama. Our only hope is the reign of Jesus.
What is clear in scripture, is the only way a nation prospers is by submission to the Lord. We haven’t seen it yet. But we think we have. So, we are seeking a return to something that never existed! We’ve always had corrupt leaders, who listened to their need for political gain above God. This has been the case for generations. Yet, there are many who believe we can return to a time with the nation served the Lord. We have certainly had greater faith in this country, a greater percentage of people who say they believe in Jesus, and go to church. But, the Lord has shown me, much of what we thought was service to God, was in fact, man-centered religion, and that’s what the Lord is allowing us to endure until we get tired of it.
God is seeking to rid us of an outward appearance of religion and replace it with an inward devotion to Him. Israel wasn’t devoted to God. They just wanted to be happy. And they were unhappy with Samuel’s sons, so they sought an alternative, a king that would do what they wanted him to do, make them like the other nations of the world.
Why would Israel want to be like any other nation? They were the place where God chose to dwell and reside. What we see in scripture is very much like contemporary culture: man says he wants God, when what he really wants, is our will. We just want the world to look like we think it should look. That’s not God’s intention. His intention is for all hearts to surrender to His love. So he disciplines us, by giving us over to our carnal desires for the peace that this world can not give us.
"And the LORD said to Samuel, “Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them. “According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt, even to this day--with which they have forsaken Me and served other gods--so they are doing to you also."
1 Samuel 8:7-8
Saul represents the soul of a nation, so does Donald Trump, and so does Joe Biden.
Why would we see people spending billions of dollars on men who do not serve the Lord?
It’s because we don’t really want that, not the majority of America. We want religion, a form of godliness, not sacrificial love for Jesus. Not His will, but our will to be done.
We are like the Jews who called for the crucifixion of Jesus. One moment they were singing, “Hosanna in the highest!” when in their hearts they wanted a king to serve their purposes. So, when Jesus didn’t rule with an iron fist and expel the Roman occupiers like the Jews expected, it was easy for them to submit to their corrupt religious and political leaders instead, as they eventually cried out “Crucify Him!”
We don’t really want Jesus to rule. We want Saul. Donald Trump is the Saul we have prayed for, a man we believe will rule with an iron fist and “get back at the heathens” Christians disagree with.
What we forget is our most powerful weapon in the earth is our agreement with God. This is what Israel forgot as well when they asked for a king. They didn’t want God’s will, they didn’t want a Christlike figure. They wanted a worldly ruler who reflected and portrayed the carnal behavior they committed in their own lives. I believe Donald Trump looks like and acts like much of America, and much of the Church, just as much as Joe Biden acts like much of America, and much of the Church.
BDonald Trump is not a panacea. He will only cause is to cry out even more, and that’s what God is looking for. We will cry out for a real King, but it will take a while. As long as we believe Trump, or any man or woman is our deliverer, we will cry out. There is only one King. There is only one Lord, and only our submission to Him will bring peace.
We are on a path toward the end of this world. Donald Trump is a player in a grandiose plan of the Father to issue His ultimate reign in the earth. What we must do is pray for the Kingdom of God to come. Your vote doesn’t matter as much as your prayers.
The people of Israel voted for a king, when they already had one. Cry out to the Lord because Donald Trump won’t be the last attempt for man to replace God.
Saul was a conqueror who won many battles, but his heart was not pure before God. In the end, he was removed because he served himself and he served people he trusted to keep him in power. This is politics. And until we trust God more than man, we will end up with similar results.
Now the word of the LORD came to Samuel, saying, “I greatly regret that I have set up Saul as king, for he has turned back from following Me, and has not performed My commandments.” And it grieved Samuel, and he cried out to the LORD all night.
1 Samuel 15:10-11 (NKJV)
Will you cry out to the Lord with grief over the corruption in our society, in our leaders? Will you cry out for a deliverer like Israel cried out before Moses arrived?
We must pray more than than we vote. We must talk to Jesus more than we talk about politics. Take your disgust to the Lord and trust Him to bring His Kingdom to us.
God bless you,
