Out With The Old, In With The New
We are approaching the end of one year and the start of a new year on God's calendar. To remind you, the Lord instituted a brand-new way to keep time after He set His people free from bondage. Why is this significant for believers today? Well, when you were translated into the Kingdom of Light, you also became subject and influenced by the calendar of God. This is the only calendar the Lord instituted in human history. Previously, mankind operated by the timeframe and authority of men; kings and kingdoms who were keeping time in order to make sense of their days, weeks, months, and years. Often, these calendars were indicators for when the harvest would come, or when it was time to plant crops. People associated their sustenance as well as their seasons of worship by the calendar of their culture.
God's calendar is also an indicator. Baked into everything the Lord does, are prophetic messages, signs, and ways to sense what is in His heart for His people. We are His special people, who have been set apart for His glory. We are set apart to experience the glory of His goodness and His presence. So, the calendar of God is important for us to understand so that we can access what He is speaking into our lives. Yes, God's calendar speaks! And what He speaks carries with it the power to perform. With that, let us dive into the Hebrew Year 5785, which is set to begin at sundown on Wednesday October 2nd.
God Will Reveal New Levels Of His Glory
What is God saying in the Hebrew Year 5785? I'm hearing simply that it is the year of REVELATION. God wants to reveal Himself to you! You might wonder why this is significant or different. Doesn't God always want to reveal Himself? Yes, He does! However, what we notice in scripture, is there are times where the Lord does something unusual or magnificent that is above and beyond the norm, even for His most adoring followers.
Let me put it this way, the Lord wants you to experience Him in new and deeper ways. What I find so interesting is for the last several weeks, I have been preaching and teaching about the Lord's heart to reveal Himself to each and every one of His children, personally. He wants to leave you in such a sense of awe and wonder, that you are changed. He wants to capture more of your heart. God is not interested in just giving you an experience. He wants to impart into you a piece of Himself. He wants to make a deposit in your spirit that will change the course of your life.
Over and over again in scripture, we see the Lord meet people face to face. Joshua wrestled with the Lord and was given a new name, which represented a newfound identity in God. Elijah received an injection of strength, faith, and favor for the last stretch of his ministry when the Lord revealed Himself to Elijah while the prophet was hiding in a cave. Moses was depressed, lonely, confused, and lost in a foreign land when he met the Lord on Mount Horeb and received such a deposit of faith and love, that he spent the rest of his life pouring out his love and devotion to the Lord.
God Will Meet You
Where will the Lord find you? Do you feel the need for a fresh revelation of His love and goodness? Do you discern the Lord has a fresh river of living water for you? Do you have a hunger and thirst for God that seems unquenchable? Are you tired? Are you depressed, lost, or battling shame? Have you met the God who heals you? I believe the Lord is going to "zap" some of us with such a jolting dose of His glory, that we will fall in love with Him in ways we never knew possible. This is the year for you to seek the Lord just because of who He is. This is a year for you to come to God as the Holy One, just to be with Him. He is going to respond to the thirsty. He is going to revive the weary. He is going to heal the sick.
What we know about God is that He is very keen on timing! Consider the lame man who laid by the pool of Bethesda year after year after year. Why was he there? Because the Lord moved in that specific location "at a certain time."
"For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water; then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatever disease he had."
John 5:4 NKJV
There is much to celebrate with this principal in mind. God is alerting us that this entire year is on His heart for personal revelation to come forth. You will meet the Lord if you have the heart of those who "stepped in" at the pool of Bethesda. These people heard the report that the Lord had moved. They believed He would move again. They had a distinct and desperate need. So, they positioned themselves to be the first to "step in." Will you seek the Lord and His heart with the same expectation? I truly believe you won't be disappointed.
The Prophetic Year 5785
Now, let me take a moment to explain why I believe this will be a year of REVELATION beginning on October 2, 2024. When you look at the Hebrew number representing "85," the letters that correspond with that number each have a powerful meaning. The number 80 we have discussed before. It is the number that speaks into this entire decade. The letter in Hebrew is called "pey" and it looks like a mouth. This entire decade we are encouraged to lean into the Lord's Word, not just the written Word, but His voice speaking into your spirit. It is a decade to pay particular attention to developing an ear for the Lord's voice.
Are you praying? Are you listening? Are you responding to what you hear? Then, you are in prime position to receive the rewards that come from His Word. In the year 5785, the reward is represented by the number 5. That number is represented by the letter "hey." This particular letter in the ancient language was written as the image of a person with their hands raised. This looks very much like someone in worship or praise in the presence of God. I believe this posture is what will be our response as we are ushered into new and indelible experiences of God's glory. Yes, the Lord will reveal Himself, His person, His glory, His nature to us in this year.
God Says "Hey!"
Commonly, the letter "hey," which is associated with the number 5 in 5785, is known to mean "behold" or "look." This year, we are invited by the Lord to behold Him, and to see Him! I'm so excited about this year for you and for me. I'm so excited to learn more about the inexpressible and indescribable holiness of God. I'm excited for us to experience deep moments of pure joy in His love.
This is a year the Lord has set aside for you to "behold" Him. He is calling on you to "look" just as much as He is calling you to listen to His voice. Seek the Lord and you will find Him!!! This is for those who walk by faith. The lame who are expecting God to move and posture themselves near the still waters of the Lord's pasture. Sit with Him and expect Him to stir the waters of your worship time. There will be angelic visitations this year. There will be barrier-breaking experiences with God that will expand your faith in Him and remove limits you've placed on Him erroneously. God is literally, saying "Hey!" As the letter is pronounced, we are getting a "Hey!" from God. He is saying, "Come and see Me." And you will see Him.
Yes, look for the Lord this year. The bible promises us, that when we seek Him, we will find Him! Shalom and welcome to the door of a new year in the Lord!!
"And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart."
Jeremiah 29:13 NKJV
7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
8 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."
Matthew 7:7-8 NKJV
